There are five stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age which can be seen in a man’s life. An individual will find himself different and faces several types of challenges in each of these stages. Aging is unavoidable and several problems are being risen within this phase physically, emotionally, socially, financially and psychologically.
            A house is a must for every individual especially to the occasional group of people which is elderly. Due to the fact that aging is a period where decline happened, a comfortable house is actually playing an important role to act as a shelter which protects them from the obstacles and difficulties hence providing them with sense of security along with the warmness and caring with love. However, are the current housing they lived in fulfilled the needs of this respectful group of people physically and mentally? According to the survey which have been done with 50 respondents aged between 55 to 80, there is 52% of the respondents gives an unsatisfactory response towards their current dwelling through investigating on different aspects of the current housing. This might create difficulties for them if there is a need to modify their home to accommodate changing needs.

2.1  Physical Needs
Presently, new medications and surgical techniques offer a chance for people to live longer. In order to support the prolonged life expectancy, it might be a need for the older adults to modify their current housing that had been reported to be less accessible which also makes them to be less involved in the community besides feeling isolated from others frequently. (Wardrip, 2010) It will be such a trouble for them. 

            First and foremost, location is the main element affecting the user experience within their living area. An ideal location would bring convenience through easy accessibility, located near to the convenience as well as proximity to their friends and family. These are crucial for the older adults in a way for them to live independently while at the same time happily and peacefully. As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, residential development in Malaysia were occurred in groups in either terraced housing or high-rise apartments. It is easy to find similar development around the building and this had limit the exploration of users within their living area. The recent survey investigated that 36.7 percent of respondents were somehow unsatisfied with the location of their current housing. Survey respondents reported that they lived in a less-accessible housing which is being isolated from the families as well as convenience store.

Figure 1 Typical terraced housing design in Malaysia

Figure 2 Apartment and Condominium Design in Malaysia

            Besides, Malaysians are currently living in a form of small nuclear family due to the rapid urbanisation of the country. This can be proved when the average household size was reported to be 4.31 persons, according to the last Census conducted in 2010. (Loong, 2014) In order to suit with the needs and demand happening, the typical size of an apartment in Malaysia is approximately 875 square feet and comes with only 2 to 3 bedrooms as shown in Figure 3 whereas for a typical terraced housing, it is on an average of 1150 square feet and have 3 to 4 bedrooms as shown in Figure 4. (Vittenbroek, 2017) Hence, it is clearly shown that these housing were designed to accommodate only the small family which consists of parents and children. How about the elder generation? The recent survey shows that the elderly are actually unsatisfied with the amount of room and space in their current housing. They reported that their housing is unable to adopt their child together with grandchildren especially during the festival season where the children going back for celebration.
Figure 3 Typical Floor Plan for Detached Housing (2113 sqft)           
Figure 4 Typical Floor Plan for Apartment Block (840 sqft)

            Furthermore, it is unavoidable in experiencing physical decline in both sensory and motor functioning during the old age phase. Sensory and motor losses are among of the top-ranking anxieties about old age. (Belsky, 1999) Vision changes as you age. Despite of the age-related decline in eyes’ performance, an older adult will be having trouble with his visual such as problems distinguishing specific colours, more bothered by glare as well as being blinded by a direct beam of light. Moreover, he might also experiencing a narrower field of vision that disable them to see objects at the corner of their gaze. (Belsky, 1999) In order to compensate for poorer dark vision, several considerations should be taken to ensure the older people’s home being well litted. All out of often, it is definitely hard to find current housing neither detached housing nor apartment blocks to suit best with the visual problems faced by elderly. Presently, overhead fixtures especially fluorescent bulbs were being widely used in design in creating a comfortable and relax ambiance as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Living Room design with wide usage of fluorescent light that may crea

            On the other hand, poor hearing is another common conditions affecting older adults. Decline in hearing ability can be frustrating, embarrassing and even dangerous. It makes the individual hard to understand and follow advice and to respond to warnings. It also make a person facing difficulties in talking and communicating with friends and family. Poor hearing prevents us from using language which is the bridge that connects us to other human beings. (Belsky, 1999) This situation creates the miscommunication and misunderstanding especially in between the younger and elder generations. All out of often, it is found that housing design in Malaysia does not apply overall acoustics design. Prolonged exposure to the chronic noise of simply living in a city may contribute to age-related hearing difficulties. (Belsky, 1999) Therefore, in order to minimise the hearing difficulties happened, noise must be limited within a house in providing a fully-comfortable environment to the users.
            Besides that, as people aged, motor performance including coordination as well as movement would undergoing decline in its availability and flexibility. Undeniably, quick responds are essential for carrying out basic activities such as crossing a street before the light changes, driving and others. However, these deficits had impacted the failure of older adults in performing their functional activities in daily living. It is a fact that older people move more slowly and unsteadily. Moreover, they also take much longer to respond. Problems particularly on performing actions such as holding a cup of tea more unsteadily, having more trouble turning on the stove as well as taking longer time to rise from a chair or get to the door are being risen when one stepping into the aging phase. (Belsky, 1999) Therefore, universal design which promotes age-integrated society were being integrated to our living society today.

Meanwhile, research found that our current housing in Malaysia were still in a low exposure to universal design and this situation leaves lots of troublesome to the occasional group of people especially the respectful elders. As shown in Figure 6, current housing in Malaysia were still emphasize on staircase in manipulating vertical circulation between different levels. This is definitely limited the users who facing mobility difficulties and yet give them the bad impact emotionally.

Figure 6 Staircase acts as the main accessible path to enter the 1st floor of the house 
Another big problem that discourage user-friendly would be the washroom. Safe installation including grab bars, curb less showers and wall-mounted sinks was hardly be found in the washroom of the current housing. This is definitely creating a big danger and threat not only for the elderly users but as well as disable people.
Figure 7 Typical Bathroom Design in current housing of Malaysia


Despite all of the above situations, there is 70 percent of the survey respondents who gives a very unsatisfactory grade onto the aspects of disability features for their current housing.

2.2  Economic Needs
Vision 2020 had set a goal of developing Malaysian society in all dimensions. Enjoying high quality of life is one of the promise that would be achieved along the way of succeeding the big mission. (Government, 2011) In order to achieve progressive economic in Malaysia, residential development is being emphasized as living unit acts as one of the main asset in a man’s life. Yet, it also serves in providing a shelter and thus improving the quality of life. Everyone wants to own a house. This makes the supply unable to balance with the demands yet it causes the availability of housing becoming compact nowadays. Therefore, high property prices is reaching beyond the affordability of buyers. In 2016, the average house price in Kuala Lumpur was RM772, 116.  (Anon., 2017)
            The sky-high house price had definitely surprised the people especially the older adults whose some of them is incapable in supporting their financial independently. Elders are the one who had completed their working life and enjoying their retirement years. The recent survey had reported that there is 60% of the older adults who is currently unemployed while 20% of them are now lived with their pension. Here comes the problem for their income which support their future life. According to the survey conducted, it is found that the older adults were relying on several types of sources for their income such as pension, savings and investment income while financial support from family members is the main source of income for most of the elders. This shows that they may only afford to pay for their living such as housing repair and utilities bills due to their limited income.

            On the other hand, in order to ensure all Malaysians, particularly the low-income groups, have the affordable shelter and related facilities, Malaysian government had provide subsidized housing to the people. (Government, 2011) Affordable housing schemes such as MYHOME Scheme and PRIMA are being promoted to assist the low-income group of people. They were sold in a cheaper price range between RM35, 000 to RM400, 000 with target buyers earning RM2, 000 to RM7, 500. Are this affordable housing helping all Malaysians including the elder generation? The older adults who had no income are not applicable to these housing schemes and yet it does not meet their physical and social needs as well.
            Besides, there is also middle-class income group who are often being overlooked. In order to adapt with the challenging economic environment, they worked full-time to support family income. Some of them would even working part-time to take care of their own parents as well as spouse parents. Caregivers sometimes can be overburdened, overwhelmed and distressed as it required lots of effort to deal with. The term caregiving covers a range of activities, from just a bit of occasional help to 24-hour care. (Belsky, 1999) Troublesome may occurred.
            With the increase of women involvement in the workforce, the job of caring for elder parents today has been argued. Conflicts occurred when it is highly risky to leave elder parents alone at home but at the same time it is unable for them to quit their job to look after their parents. A stable financial income is highly needed for these breadwinner of families as they need to support both the elder parents and young children. They were called as “Sandwich Generation”. As shown in Chart 7, 56.7 percent of the survey respondents earning RM3, 000 and below per month. It would be hard for them to build up a family with single source of income despite of the elevation of living standard. Furthermore, it is also reported that the survey respondents would spend 25 percent of their monthly expenditure for their elder parents. This shows that they are having a limited spending as they need to support others.

2.3  Social and Psychological Support
Planning and design of housing unit nowadays not only tend to focus on the physical and safety needs of the elderly, while social needs of the elderly is essential to be addressed as well. (Esther H.K. Yung, Sheila Conejos, Edwin H.W. Chan, 2016) Elders are the group of people who had overcame their working lifestyle for the past years and they were enjoying their retirement period. They would undergo many changes during this golden years. Companionship could be one of the big challenge for them to adopt with. (Amy, 2015) In spite of leaving themselves from the working environment, the elders need time to switch themselves into retirement and relax mode. In compared with the busy working lifestyle which they had used to be, they would find that there is a lot of free time for them and they may face difficulties in spending the time wisely. It is common for them to find themselves isolated from the society while at the same time they feel lonely and uncomfortable.
            Being social active is one of the best way for the elders to enjoy an enhanced quality of life. Research found that older adults who maintain higher levels of social activity could improve their ability to perform the simple activities of daily living. (Newsroom, 2016) Through the varying of social activities such as volunteer groups or senior citizen hobby club, the elder can stay connected to other people and it will help yield the health consequences. Companionship is important for their well-being. (Amy, 2015) Being with friends and family tends to help us to eat more. This situation happened due to the fact that we would get influenced by the happiness and warmness shared around us. Same goes to the elderly. When they can eat together with friends and family, there wouldn’t be meal skipping and thus improved nutrition they gained.
            Besides, stress leaves a destructive impact towards our body, regardless of age. It is a fact that the elders had been deal with the stressful environment, concerning about financial issue, relationship issue as well as loads of works and burden in the past years. (Amy, 2015) Hence, some of them could undergo some emotional problem and bringing it to their aging phase. Moreover, during their golden years, they would also worrying about financial or health issue, living by themselves or even forgotten by the family members. Meanwhile, by interacting socially with others, they can express their fear and concern with others and thus solving it together. Illnesses such as depression and anxiety can be avoided through the social interaction. (Amy, 2015)
            In order to enhance social active between the elderly, physical support including facilities and amenities as well as health and wellness are essential to be input into the common space and the living unit of elderly. A recent survey had been carried out to study the enhancement of social interaction between friends and neighbourhood of the current housing of elderly. More than 50 percent of the survey respondents would give an unsatisfactory response on the sense of community given by their current neighbourhood context. They also reported that their current housing is less accessible and the felt being isolated and lonely frequently. As shown in Chart 8, more than 60 percent of the respondents are unsatisfied with the facilities and amenities provided within their current housing too.

            Due to the fact that aging is a period of physical decline, health and wellness plays well in the common space of elderly. It lends a helping hand for the elderly to live independently, meanwhile staying socially active. Having health and wellness nearby the active area of the elderly brings convenience to the elderly as they do not need to rely on their family members to take care of them. This might lighten up the burden of their child in taking care of the elderly parents. Based on the survey that have been done, most of the elderly would find that it is essential to upgrade the health and wellness activity within their living area.

            Furthermore, adequate access of privacy needed to be emphasized besides encouraging the social interaction. Privacy acts as a sense of security to the users. Therefore, balance between public as well as private space for the users need to be achieved according to the intimacy level of interaction happened. Based on the recent survey, the elderly responded towards the satisfactory rate in term of privacy within their current housing.
            On the other hand, Malaysian who practices Asian family extended system is focused on the strong family bonding and relationship. It is common nowadays of the immigration of younger generation to the cities in improving their quality of life. This situation separated the elder and younger generations. Busy and tight working schedules in cities may lead to the out of touch between the elder parents and the working child. This also reduces the face-to-face interaction between the family members which is once so heart-warming in generating family love. A call or a visit would be surely happened once in a while. However, worries from the elder parents as well as caring of love from the working child could not be fully express just through a call or a random visit. Based on the survey conducted, 40 percent of the respondents will get a chance to visit their elder parents once in a month and this is definitely insufficient for them to take good care of their elder parents physically and mentally.
            In conclusion, strategies and solutions will be developed in the following chapters in order to help in solving the problems faced by both generations since past years. Multi-generational living is definitely a path of future. 83 percent of survey respondents supported multi-generational living with the concern and improvement from different approach. Besides, mostly of the elderly would also responded that they would want to live with their intermediate or extended family in an ideal condition of independent living within the same house. In final words, strategies on multi-generational living in meeting the physical, economic and social needs for both parties will be generated and interpreted in order to develop Malaysian society who is politically stable, social adhesive as well as economic progressive matching with the vision 2020. (Government, 2011)


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